Athena's Dumplings 雅典那家裡的水餃



大約100個水餃的分量 (市售的水餃皮)

豬絞肉 500g~800瘦肉70% 、肥30% 或 用 (五花肉)
蝦仁、雞絞肉 (以個人喜好加入,可以在最後時再加入就可以有特別的蝦子餃子)

高麗菜2/5 個、2根 紅蘿蔔 (韭菜喜歡吃的人可以在最後時再加入)) 


1.    先調味(1T鹽、2t 亨大師、2T醬油)醃製肉餡,再將蔥薑切碎泡水(過篩分批拌入)肉餡,味增一小匙(用溫水調勻)涼後拌入,可放置30~分鐘或放入冰箱隔夜再用



2.    高麗菜殺青做法有二,


3.    將切好幾過水的高麗菜和其他蔬菜…加入肉餡中,用手戴上手套直接拌,手的溫度會讓餡料有比較好的融合

4.    最後時加入一點太白粉、再加香油適量拌勻
5.    即可開始包餃子了

6.先包”2”個煮一下,試味道  *如果太鹹了可以切兩支蔥加入





Athena's Dumplings 雅典那家裡的水餃圖一 蔥薑水

Athena's Dumplings 雅典那家裡的水餃 圖2 味增調水

Athena's Dumplings 雅典那家裡的水餃 圖3 將肉餡調味,拌入水分1 & 2

Athena's Dumplings 雅典那家裡的水餃 圖4. 將大葉高麗菜用熱水加鹽燙過

Athena's Dumplings 雅典那家裡的水餃  圖5.燙過的高麗菜比較容易切

Athena's Dumplings 雅典那家裡的水餃  圖6.高麗菜切好擠水

雅典那的水餃 圖 7. 將所有青菜拌勻


Athena's Dumplings 雅典那家裡的水餃 圖8. 戴上水套直接用手和勻

Athena's Dumplings 雅典那家裡的水餃

Athena’s Dumplings


Approximately 100 dumplings

Ground pork 500g~800 70% lean, 30% fat or use (pork belly)
Shrimp and ground chicken (add according to personal preference, you can add it at the end to have special shrimp dumplings)
 Onion, ginger, miso, Master Heng, soy sauce, salt and sesame oil
Green vegetables
2/5 Cabbage, 2 carrots, (those who like leeks can add them at the end)
1. Season the meat filling first (1Tsalt,2t Master Heng,2T soy sauce), then chop the green onions and ginger and soak them in water (sift and mix in batches), add a small spoonful of miso (mix well with warm water) and stir in after cooling , can be left for 30 minutes or placed in the refrigerator overnight before use

2. There are two ways to cook cabbage:
First, cut the cabbage, sprinkle it with salt, let it sit for a while, and then press the water out.
The second is to first add 1% salt to boiling water, blanch the large-leaf cabbage quickly, then chop it (it’s easier to cut) and squeeze out the water.
Carrots, leeks, green onions and ginger can be chopped directly
3. Add the cabbage and other vegetables that have been cut several times into the water and add them to the meat filling. Wear gloves with your hands and mix directly. The temperature of your hands will allow the filling to blend better.
4. At the end, add a little cornstarch and sesame oil and mix well
5. Now you can start making dumplings

6. Wrap "2" pieces first and cook them to test the taste.


###boiled dumplings

1. Boil the water and put the dumplings into the pot. Use chopsticks to stir them slightly to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pot.

2. Wait for the water to boil and then add a cup of cold water

3. Let the water boil for three times and wait until the dumplings float to the surface. Then you can take it out of the pot and eat it.




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